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Calender & Policies

2024 - 2025


September 7, 2024 - First Day of Classes

October 14, 2024 - Columbus & Indigenous People’s Day - NO CLASSES

October 24-30, 2023 - Halloween Costume Week

October 31,2023 - Halloween - NO CLASSES

November 2-8, 2024 - Bring Your Bestie week

November 18-23, 2024 - In- studio Parent Observation week

November 26-30, 2024 - Thanksgiving Break - NO CLASSES
December 22 - January 1, 2025 - Christmas Break - NO CLASSES

January 4, 2025 - Classes Resume

February 15-21, 2025 - February Break - NO CLASSES

April 20 - 27, 2025 - April Break - NO CLASSES

Recital - May 18, 2025

Tuition/Fee Payment Due Dates

1 - upon registration

2 - November 1, 2024 (costume fees will also be due)

3 - January 15, 2025 (recital fee due)

4 - March 15, 2025

$40 annual registration fee due at registration (non-refundable)

Withdrawal and Refunds (Full-season only)

There are no refunds for class withdrawal after the third week of the quarter. Costumes are non-refundable after orders have been placed. There will be a $35 administrative fee for all class cancellations/withdrawals.

Class Attendance and Lateness

To get the most out of dance class, it is very important that dancers be on time and ready for class. Classes begin with proper warm ups that prepare dancers for more challenging parts of class. The studio reserves the right to have students who come late to class, sit out the class. Because dance requires a lot of repetition, attendance is crucial in order to improve and learn. During recital season, attendance is very important and the dances are taught over several weeks and take a lot of practice!


Class Cancellations, Substitutions, & Makeup Policy


Weather Cancellations: If the studio must cancel classes due to weather or events beyond our control such as power outages, we will do our best to make up any missed classes. There are no refunds for class cancellations. If North Reading public schools close due to snow/inclement weather, daytime classes (classes held before 3pm) are automatically cancelled. However, this does NOT mean that afternoon classes will be cancelled. The decision will be made by 1:00pm. An email will be sent out and social media updated with cancellation information. Please check our Instagram and Facebook pages for latest updates. *Saturday class decisions will be made by 8:00am.

Substitutions: The studio reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regularly scheduled teacher is ill or otherwise unable to teach classes. If a teacher is ill and the studio cannot arrange a substitute, students may take another scheduled class appropriate for their age and experience level.

Makeup Classes: If possible, please inform the office of any absences. Students who miss a class will have the opportunity to make it up with another similar class appropriate for his/her age and ability level. Please contact the office to schedule a makeup class.

Parent/Guardian’s Responsibility to be Aware of Dates and Events

Please read all newsletters and other school information posted in the Parent Portal, the North Reading School of Ballet website, and the studio’s Facebook page which are all available 24 hours a day. If you have any questions regarding the information distributed, we encourage you to contact the office at (978) 664-6433. Feel free to email questions to the office at It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian or the adult student to be aware of all studio activities such as picture days, recitals, extra classes, and dates the studio is open or closed. The studio will not only post all such notices on the website and on the bulletin boards, but will also email seasonal newsletters as well (be sure to check that NRSB is on your list of Safe Senders so important studio information doesn’t get sent to spam folders). It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to regularly check postings to ensure they are informed, and likewise, to inform the studio of any address, email, or telephone number changes.

Teacher Communication: All communication for/with teachers should be done through NRSB email at If you need to reach a specific teacher, write that teachers name in the subject.


The studio is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students. No children under the age of 14 are to be left unsupervised on the premises when not in class. If a child is to leave the building without a parent for any reason, a signed waiver must be provided.

Placement: Students will be placed in classes that are appropriate for their level of physical and mental development. If at any time the director feels that the placement is incorrect, the student will then be changed to the appropriate class.

Class Attendance and Lateness

To get the most out of dance class, it is very important that dancers be on time and ready for class. Classes begin with proper warm ups that prepare dancers for more challenging parts of class. The studio reserves the right to have students who come late to class, sit out the class. Because dance requires a lot of repetition, attendance is crucial in order to improve and learn. During recital season, attendance is very important and the dances are taught over several weeks and take a lot of practice!

Dress Code

North Reading School of Ballet maintains a dress code in order for the teachers to assess how well the students are implementing the technique being taught, problems with alignment, and other important aspects of dance training. Required dancewear and dance shoes must be worn to all classes. Failure to wear required dancewear to class could result in students being asked to sit out the class. NO DANGLING JEWELRY, JEANS OR DRESSES IN ANY CLASS!


Students must carry dance shoes to and from class; wearing dance shoes outside is not good for the shoes or the studio floor. Please check tap shoes for loose screws. Please WRITE YOUR NAME IN ALL YOUR DANCE SHOES. There is a used-shoe exchange bin in the studio – please feel free to take or leave a pair.

Photo Release & Social Media Policy

Photo Release: North Reading School of Ballet, LLC reserves the right to use photographs and videos taken during classes, workshops, performances, or other affiliated events for the purposes of instruction, advertising and promoting North Reading School of Ballet, LLC and its programs. Students, or parents of students who are minors, who do not wish to comply with this policy must notify North Reading School of Ballet, LLC prior to participation in class.

Student and Parent Use of Social Media: This policy is intended to provide North Reading School of Ballet students and parents with guidelines to eliminate any confusion concerning the use of social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc). Please respect the law, including those laws governing defamation, discrimination, harassment, and copyright and fair use. Do not post video clips of classes or recitals. North Reading School of Ballet, LLC owns the copyright to all choreography taught at the school.

Food and Drink

NRSB is a nut-free studio. If you consume nut-filled snacks on the way to dance, please wash hands before coming into class for the safety of our dancers. Water ONLY is allowed in the studio and dressing rooms. Please feel free to bring water bottles to class. There is absolutely NO GUM allowed in the studio. And of course, there is no smoking allowed in the studio.


No one is allowed to stay in the classroom as it distracts the students. There will be “Peek Week” scheduled when families are invited into the studio to observe class.


Parents, legal guardians of minor students, and adult students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on studio property resulting from normal dance activity or any other activity conducted by the students before, during, or after class time.


If your student is injured and unable to dance, they are encouraged to come watch their classes. Please inform teachers of injuries and precautions needed.


There will be an annual on-stage production in May/June. More information will be given in your monthly dance notices. Please make every effort to attend each dance class in order to be properly prepared for the recital. All students are encouraged to be in the recital. It is a good experience for the dancers, giving them confidence, builds team spirit and provides a sense of completion.

Release of Liability

I recognize and understand the risks of physical injury inherent to dance and dance training and I fully assume those risks. I hereby release North Reading School of Ballet, LLC, its employees and dance teachers from all liability for injuries sustained or illnesses contracted while attending or participating in any dance classes, rehearsals, workshops, or performances. I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless North Reading School of Ballet, LLC, event sponsors, employees and dance teachers for liabilities, costs and judgments arising from acts of omissions committed by me or my child which result in injury or damage to any person or property. I acknowledge and represent that I have fully informed myself of the content of the waiver and hold harmless agreement by reading it before I sign it, and I understand that I sign this document as my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements, or inducements, apart from the written statement, have been made. I further state that I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and am fully competent to sign this agreement; and that I execute this release for full, adequate, and complete consideration fully intending to be bound by the same. I further state that there are no health-related reasons or problems which preclude or restrict my or my child's participation in this activity, and that I will pay any medical costs that may be attendant as a result of injury to me or my child.

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